Organization and Governance

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association

KIT pursues its tasks in research, teaching, and innovation. KIT’s governance supports work towards reaching this goal and clearly defines the regulatory and strategic framework for action on the three management levels of Executive Board, Divisions, and Institutes. KIT’s governance thus represents a framework that enables responsible interaction of all students and employees of KIT, which is characterized by transparency and subsidiarity.

All scientists execute their tasks in research, teaching, and innovation at the institutes. Two types of institutes are distinguished: institutes of type 1 are headed by the appointed head of institute. Institutes of type 2 are headed by a Board of Directors consisting of several appointed professors.

All institutes are clearly assigned to one of the Divisions established in line with the disciplines. The Divisions organize science and its infrastructures and are led by a Division Head. To conduct scientific work, they also use functional elements, such as KIT Departments and Helmholtz Programmes. Interdisciplinary research and innovation topics are coordinated by the KIT Centers. Divisions are responsible for the further scientific development of the disciplines as an institutionalized framework for tackling the challenges faced by society. On this basis, they strategically allocate the resources. The Division Heads represent their Divisions to the Executive Board.

The Executive Board guides the strategic further development of KIT, defines the structural framework required, is responsible for appointments, and sets up the Economic and Finance Plan. It provides for a functioning administration that is organized in Business Units and Staff Units. The Executive Board represents the KIT to the Supervisory Board and the funding partners on the federal and state levels.

KIT’s robust, sustainable, lean, and clear organization as well as its effective and efficient procedures are based on the KIT Act of the State of Baden-Württemberg, the Statutes of KIT, as well as on the framework regulations and rules of procedure of KIT’s organizational units. 

Organization of KIT

The administration of KIT presently consists of Business Units and Staff Units reporting to the respective members of the Executive Board along the lines of responsibility. The organizational chart of KIT reflects the lines of responsibility for the disciplines.

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Research and Teaching

University research and program-oriented research activities are pursued by the Institutes of KIT within five Divisions. KIT Centers coordinate division-overlapping research and innovation activities and support interdisciplinary cooperation at KIT. 

Studies and teaching activities are accomplished by eleven KIT Departments. The KIT Deans report to the Vice President for Higher Education and Academic Affairs.

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